LIBRA People Company PLC

Decentralized SHaring


About the

SHaring Corporation

LIBRA People Company PLC, is a public limited company founded in 2015 in Malta by 37 professionals and visionaries from different business sectors, who share the common goal of creating an Ethical Lobby for the transparent sharing of opportunities and resources. It takes the form of a holding company that, through its management system, regulates relations and common resources in a sustainable manner and in the interests of its shareholders.
Board of Directors:
 Francesco Strafalaci
 Nino Calogero
Download pre-launch presentation
About the SHaring Corporation
The SHusers



Any user/customer of this group, whether a natural person or a corporate structure, has the possibility to become SHuser (a shareholder/user), either through the traditional subscription of the minimum package of shares or through the innovative system of contribution of goods and/or services. Becoming a SHuser means access to corporate life and a series of benefits such as free use (or at a reduced rate) of goods and services owned by LIBRA People Company Plc through the LIBRA Smart SHaring system. Even more important is the use of the Digital Unit Robin Complementary Currency and full access to the world of advantages of the LIBRA Market (

Green Paper

LIBRA People Company is defining the latest aspects of its Green Paper, soon available on this website.
It is possible here by now, download the Systemic Vision of the whole organization



LIBRA PEOPLE COMPANY Plc, waiting to make known to the market by the end of 2020 its Green Paper that will formalize the entry into Blockchain activities and the relative use of Virtual Currency instruments that will be adopted (Secure and Utility Token), has commissioned the company EUROPEAN ASSET MANAGEMENT to prepare a 50 million euro MTN through the issuance of a five-year Bond that will be presented to the market by next May 2020.Investor

Investor Relations


BMW 2020
Mosaic Of Peace
LIBRA People Company PLC
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